Monday, December 31, 2018

Dec Smalls post.....

Heather of Stitching Lotus is our host for our monthly Smalls SAL.  You can click on her blog name, Stitching Lotus, to find out more about this wonderful SAL.

I know I have been very negligent since my last blog post.  I apologize for that once again, but I also went back home for Thanksgiving and then my husband and I did some traveling for our 26th anniversary!

But for that's for a later post to share pictures with you.  For now, I am posting for our December Smalls post of some ornaments I made for this years Christmas gifts to close friends.

This first small is from Heartstring Samplery called Winter Snow.  It was such a fun stitch, and I stitched it with the linen and threads called for.  I made a small beaded hanger, and I chose to leave a little more space out from the stitching portion of the stocking.  I have linen to stitch this one for myself for the new year.

This 2nd ornament is by Handblessings called Sharing The Christmas Story.

The last one I can not remember the designer's name.  I am so sorry.  This was also a Christmas gift for a friend.

That is all I have to share for my Smalls this month.  I will be stitching the rest of the day today and ringing in the New Year with my family!



  1. Lovely finishes Brenda. The stocking is just adoreable.
    Hugs, Sandy

  2. What beautiful stitches you created, Brenda! Wishing you a new year filled with smiles and stitches!

  3. I love all 3 of your ornaments. The stocking in particular is gorgeous. I can see why you plan to stitch it for yourself. Happy New Year!

  4. The tiny stocking is adorable! I think I may need a collection of tiny stockings too. Maybe next year I will make one each month.


  6. لوناوى تسافر رحله فى دوله جديده اول مره تزورها مهم تتعرف على تاريخ الدوله ومعالمها واشهر مدنها ونوعية اقتصادها ونوع العمله فيها وقيمتها عالميا وعادات سكانها وعددهم ومساحة الدوله وطبيعة طقسها وجوها وطبيعة ارضها ومنحدراتها علشان تحدد نوع الانشطه اللى ممكن تقوم بيها فى رحلتك وهل مناسبه ليك ولالا
    علشان كده جبنالك الموضوع ده عن دولة من اهم الدول السياحيه واللى ممكن تكون وجهتك الجايه فى رحلة متميزه مش هاتتنسي
    جورجيا دوله عريقه ذاخره بالمعالم والاثار وانواع السياحات المختلفه المطلوبه
    هانغطى كل حاجه ممكن تحتاج تعرفها عن جورجيا وتساعدك لقضاء رحله ممتعه وتكون تجربه فريده حابب تكررها
    طريقة الحصول علي فيزا جورجيا
