Tuesday, April 2, 2019

March Smalls SAL.....

Mary's Threads is our host for our Smalls SAL each month.  Please click on her blog name to be taken to her blog to see what all we have been doing and stitching.

I managed to get a PS 2002 Santa stitched up for a Christmas gift this year.  I haven't done the finishing because I have been so sick with a cold and chest congestion that has literally knocked me off my feet for almost 2 weeks.  This is also the reason for me NOT getting my March Smalls posted on time last Friday.

So on to the actual picture for you to see my PS Santa.  I hope to get him finished up into the actual ornament this week.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post.  I do hope to start posting more things about my stitching soon.

Happy Stitching!


  1. Congratulations on your PS Santa finish! I stitched this one as part of a Williamsburg SAL several years back. He reminds me of treasured stitching memories. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  2. Your Santa is lovely. I hope you are feeling better.

  3. Hope you feel better soon. Your Santa is cute.

  4. Very cute! Thank you for joining the SAL this month!

  5. Nice work on the PS Santa, he's a good size for a small!
