Sunday, August 31, 2014

Just Nan SAL ......

Today is our day to post our JN SAL.  Zeb of Keep Calm and Cross Stitch blog is the one hosting it.  You can click on the link above for details of our JN SAL or HERE.  With having a cross country move from AZ to here in Ohio, I thought I would just do another small Whimzi from my stash.  I did stitch on a biscornu along our cross country move, but I just was not able to get it completed and assembled in time to post for our SAL today.  Hopefully I can get it finished for next month's post.

Here is my Spring Spell Whimzi that I did for this month's SAL.  I was quite disappointed in my 28ct Milan Blue linen as it seemed to shift when I ironed the interfacing on the back of the stitched piece when assembling this small whimzi. 

I still need to work on getting my sewing room all set up and decorated so I can share some pictures of it all put away.  Every time we move, my sewing room gets set up somewhat the same with the exception of the layout of the room.  This time the room is more rectangle than square so it takes some creative planning as to how I've had it decorated/laid out as in past moves.  I have some sewing I need to get started on this week so that's another reason why I NEED TO GET the sewing room finished decorating and pictures on the walls.

Now.....back to my stitching as I have 4 small projects that I need to get finished up.   I will share pictures of them .....soon!

Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Smalls Report for August.....

Today is the day we post our Smalls for the month.  Heather of Stitching Lotus is the one hosting this SAL.  If you are wanting more information on this SAL, please click the Smalls Link at the top of this post or Stitching Lotus link in the text.

I was afraid that I might not have anything to share for this month but thankfully we were able to get our house set up and unpacked all within a week.  However, all the pictures are just not hung up on the walls nor are the Precious Moments all unpacked but the rest of the house is all in working order.  I think that is great to have moved and did all the unpacking in a week of having the household goods arrive on one Thurs and the house in working order by the next Thursday.  Granted, I do still have to unpack some boxes in my DD room but she's off to college so she'll get her room the way I get it set between all my stitching.  Unpack a box in her room.....go stitch for a couple of hours.  LOL

Anyway, enough of my rambling.  Here is a pincushion that I designed and stitched.  I did the finishing work this morning just to have something to show for today.  I stuffed it with both polyfil and some crushed walnut shells.

I also did the finishing work on my friend Angelica's pincushion.  So I'm going to share it here as well.  She did the stitching.....I just did the finishing.

Don't they both just look so cute sitting in front of that knitted pumpkin???  My best friend Kimberly knitted that for me one year because I fell in love with it.  I didn't knit at the time and I only do minimal knitting now.  NOTHING like what she can knit.  But I love it as it is such a nice decoration when fall comes around.  I have another pumpkin that my other friend Deb made me but I forgot to pull it out.  Sorry Deb but I promise to go pull it out now to enjoy!!

That's all I have to share for now.  I'm off to go get my Just Nan started to be able to share next week.


Monday, August 25, 2014

TUSAL report......

Yeah!!!  Thank goodness I had all these SAL and things that I joined in written on my kitchen calendar.  I LIVE by that kitchen calendar!!!  Do you???  I get up in the morning and look to see what is on my agenda for today.  And today is the TUSAL check in.  Daffycat is the one hosting this so go check out her link to her blog HERE or click on the TUSAL link above to see what this whole TUSAL is all about.  

My jar is getting filled up.  I even kept the ORTs while traveling cross country when I was able to xstitch and just added all of them to my ORT jar when we got moved in our new house.  Thankfully I was able to find it easily when unpacking my sewing room boxes. 

Here is where I'm at for today's report.  I wished I had taken the picture earlier this morning when it was brighter but oh well.  You get the gist.

I'm working on another small project that I hope to have finished to share with you soon. 

Happy Stitching everyone!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Happy August everyone!!!!!

Wow!  I bet you thought I forgot I had a blog to post to???  I was beginning to wonder myself.  Some of you know that my husband got orders for a new assignment to Wright-Patterson AFB!!!  We are THRILLED to be here in Ohio because it is that much closer to TN where our daughter is going to college....which also means that we are within DRIVING DISTANCE to go see her a whole lot more often than we were able to living in AZ.  However, I am saddened to leave my friends back in AZ but we will definitely still stay in touch through email, phone, text, and hopefully Skype here soon just like my friends in TX and PA.  But we drove for 5 long days coming across from AZ to OH and we have realized that we are just not as young as we used to be when making these cross country moves for the AF.  lol

Here is what my sewing room looked like before the packers packed it up on the truck along with all of our household goods.  I just HAD to take a couple of pictures of my sewing room and the poor guy packing my sewing room said he had NEVER packed a room 1 1/2days just to get it completed. hehe

This first picture was taken from inside my closet in the sewing room.

This 2nd picture was taken from the door looking in to my sewing room.

I felt soooo sorry for the packer for my sewing room as I usually do a lot more packing into trunks but one of my 2 trunks had seen it's better days and I had gotten rid of it.  And then, after packing up as much as I had in Rubbermaid totes, I too said...."Forget it.  The packers can do the rest."  (I'm wishing now I had perservered in my usual anal packing a lot of my own stash up so I would know where I put what.)  However, Henry, the packer for my sewing room, did an excellent job I must say and not ONE THING WAS BROKEN from my sewing room.  If only the rest of the packing crew had his mentality.  We did have a lamp broken this time and a juice glass.  Then there were some of the scraps and my couch suffered a small rip on the armcushion.  But those things can be filed as claims with the military. 

Then as my son and I were unpacking my sewing room here in OH, I wished I had taken a "before" picture and then an "after" picture of how it looked.  Oh well.  I was just wanting to get it all done and my stash into it's new home and location in my new room.....which I might add is definitely bigger than the last room. not add anymore into the room than what I have already and to start to downsize some.  We did get it done in one day!!! WOOHOO

You must realize one thing though about my sewing room.  I never had one growing up.  When my husband and I were first married, we lived on base in a 3BR duplex on base.  I told him when he married me, I came with baggage.....(baggage meaning all my sewing fabric, sewing machine and serger and minimal xstitch supplies and crafts.)  So one of the bedrooms became my sewing room and I also told him then that I would always need a sewing room.  He has honored that request ever since!!!!

We have gotten the house almost all set up in one week.  We still need to get our daughter's room set up, the office set up, pictures hung on the wall and then the Precious Moments all displayed which can take a week if only one person is doing that job.  lol 

I hope to show some finishes here soon.  What I'm working on right now I cannot show.  They are gifts for friends but will show them later on this year after they are given out. 

I know what JN I need to get started on to show for my JN SAL, and I need to see about a "Smalls" project here soon.  I don't know what "Smalls" I want to stitch but I have an idea of one thing.  And I need to get that started soon.  Another reason for getting the house all set I can XSTITCH MORE and unpack wayyyyyyy less.  haha  If you haven't moved lately, just think of having your entire house packed up and move 1000s of miles away to a new location, house hunt for a new house, and then have the boxes all delivered to that new house.  It's a lot more work than what you think.  Exciting yes......draining on an aged body.....EVEN MORE SO!!!!  lol

Until another day and time.....HAPPY STITCHING!!!