Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Smalls posting and TUSAL belated reporting.....

Heather of Stitching Lotus is the host of our Smalls SAL for this year!!!  I am LOVING this SAL as it helps keep me focused on something small for each month.  This month I had stitched quite a few smalls in preparation for my little retreat that I just went to with my friends back in AZ.  We always stitch small gifts to give to our roommates, and this is what I decided to stitch and finish for them.  It was an iStitch Design called Sew a Quaker Pinwheel.'ve already seen me do this once before for my best friend Kimberly, and it went so well that I decided to do the same thing for my roommates going to the Sedona retreat.  I stitched each person's initial in their favorite color and then mounted it to the top of a paper mache box which I also painted in each person's favorite color.  The fabrics were various 32ct Sassy Fabrics, and the threads used were Hand Dyed Fbers in premium.  They can use it as an ORT box or just a small box to set up for display.

Top view:

Side view:

The other finish I did for this month was my Just Nan Ornamental Advent Days 7 & 8.  YEAHHHH  I'm still on track for finishing 2 this month and.....I still have time to try and get a 3rd one done as well....but not in time for this posting.  LOL  I just rolled up the left edge to try and get a closer picture for you to see it better. 

Now.....for my belated TUSAL report.  That was to be posted during my time away, and I TOTALLY FORGOT to take a pic ahead of time so I've taken it this morning.  You can find Sharon's link HERE.

You KNOW I've been stitching as you can see by my little ORT tin and the projects I've posted above.  The girls LOVED their little boxes, and we all had a fabulous time stitching at Junipine Resort.  I will share pictures of the gifts I received as well over the next few days!

Now back to my stitching for today as I did all my laundry yesterday from my trip.  Until another day....HAPPY STITCHING!


  1. What a lovely gift idea, all very pretty. Also love your Advent Days stitching.

  2. Lovely gifts for your roomies. Don't forget to show us what they made for you.

  3. The gift boxes are so pretty--very nicely stitched and finished! I have many iStitch designs in my stash... Hugs!

  4. Love the little boxes. Very nicely done.

  5. Beautiful boxes. My goodness - these are such wonderful gifts. Love the Advent Days stitching -

  6. Your little tins look great, perfect presents for your friends.
    I love the Advent Calendar too.

  7. Wonderful stitching!! Love the boxes! Congrats on your finish!

  8. It sounds like you had a fabulous time! I know I said it before, but those boxes you created are simply adorable. Must get that chart out and stitch up a few!

    Robin in Virginia

    PS Your JN Advent blocks look lovely!

  9. Oh Brenda! I love everything you post, but especially the Advent calendar !! I've always wanted to make one !

  10. Wow! You did great this month. I love the little boxes.
