Tuesday, July 16, 2019

YES.....I am still here.....long post

Yes I am still here.  I have not posted since May but I have had A LOT going on.  We went to TN to move our son out of his dorm, went to our son in law college graduation, spent time with family and left the day after Mother's Day to go back to OH.  Since then, we experienced that bad tornado that went through Beavercreek, OH.  That was a first for us in all our years, and I pray I never have to go through that again.  We were very blessed that our rental house with all our belongings was spared.  The house did sustain minimal damage but lots of trees down.  Our neighbor behind us had a tree that fell onto our fence, and in our neighborhood along with severe damage just 1 block from us.  We are just extremely thankful we were spared and the house was not damaged.  Otherwise we would have had to postpone our military move to TX.

Speaking of our move, yes we did make a new military move to San Antonio, TX.  We took the 4 days allotted to travel to here but did make arrangements to go see a friend of ours Change of Command ceremony one morning along the way.  However, we were not able to attend his retirement later on that day because of time limitations of making our way towards TX. 

House hunting was another story here.  WOW!!!  We were looking at rental houses and by the time we would get back to our TLF (temporary lodging facility), we would put our applications in to rent.  However, 3 houses were rented before we could get the apps submitted.  One house that we REALLY loved was taken sight unseen even though we were the 1st ones to look at it when it came on to rent.  The real estate company's policy was that they took the applications in and it didn't matter if they had not viewed the house, but that the application was submitted first.  After viewing about 7 houses, some I would have been ashamed to show if I was property manager, but that is their decision to show it or not.  They were TOO FILTHY! 

We did FINALLY get a rental house after 2weeks which was on June 29 but we couldn't get transportation to deliver our household goods until July 8.  My poor hubby is having a longer commute than he wanted.  But AT LEAST we are in a house now.  I am just taking a small break at the moment from unpacking and hanging clothes and washing things that have been in storage. 

I hope to unpack my sewing room some over the next few days to make sure nothing is broken and that my machines all sew like they are supposed to.  I will unpack the rest of the sewing room after I take our son back to college in Aug.  I will be flying back with him to spend 3 weeks back in TN.  I will be helping my mom and my MIL out since neither drive anymore.  No more doing a quick 5hr drive back to home like I had while in OH.  Oh well.  That's the life of the military.

I guess I have "rested" enough.  Now back to unpacking and hanging clothes from my suitcase.  Oh joy......

HAPPY STITCHING EVERYONE.  I will get back to that here soon.....LOL!


  1. Sounds exhausting Brenda - glad you are finally in a home. Good luck with all the unpacking. Cheers Mel

  2. Oh my Brenda. I am exhausted just reading all of this. I hope and pray things settle down for all of you soon. And you find time to maybe stitch?

  3. You have been on my mind and in my prayers. Happy to hear that you have found an acceptable rental although I am sorry that your husband has a longer commute. Praying for everything to come together for you and your family. Thinking of you!

  4. Wow, what a whirlwind few months! So glad you found a home, now you can get settled in. I've always wanted to visit San Antonio. My folks lived there for awhile before I was born. It's great to hear from you again!

  5. You have certainly been busy! Glad you were able to find something even if it wasn't the one you really wanted. We live blocks from an air force base here and rentals go just as quick; even sight unseen. It makes it hard to find anything!

  6. Wow! Sounds like you have been really busy. Have fun unpacking and getting everything sorted! xx

  7. Praying. Enjoy your new home.
