Saturday, December 17, 2016

iStitch Advent SAL Day 17....

Wow!!!  I am actually getting to post this EARLY today!!!  Yep....couldn't sleep in of all days.  REALLY???  Well I did sleep in until 7a.m. which we usually get up at 5:30a.m.  So I guess that's somewhat sleeping in although I really would have liked to sleep in til at least 8a.m.

This just gave me more time to answer a few emails, read a couple of blog posts that I haven't been able to do this December with just being so busy every day.  Plus, I was able to get my Advent daily chart printed off and get started stitching early!!!

I was able to stitch in some more of the lower border after I finished today's portion of the SAL.  I have other things that I need to do this morning so I wasn't able to complete the entire border.  Maybe this afternoon.

I hope you are enjoying my daily posts of this SAL.  I look forward to stitching Carol's Advent SAL every year.

Happy Stitching!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I just printed off today's part, but won't tackle it until Monday. Enjoy your weekend, Brenda!
