Friday, December 4, 2015

iStitch Advent Day 4

Oh YEAH!!!  We got to add some color to our SAL part today and I even added red beads instead of just stitching in a red color.  I thought maybe I'd stitch the berries in a red Smyrna stitch but decided to just add the red beads.  It gives it a "pop" as my hubby says! I wonder what tomorrow's part is going to be.  Another band?  Some specialty stitches? 

I'm off to sew the buttonholes onto my Christmas vest and then eat my dinner.  Hubby has taken our son to a youth get together at the church tonight so I have the evening to S-T-I-T-C-H!!!!

Until then....Happy Stitching!

1 comment:

  1. It looks good with the pop of green and red. Enjoy your weekend, Brenda!
